Advertising Opportunities

The Connecticut State Dental Association has many advertising opportunities available ranging from our quarterly newsletter, annual meeting program guide, e-newsletter and on our website.

Classified Ads

The categories for classified ads include:

  • Offering a Position
  • Seeking a Position
  • Practice or Equipment for Sale/Rent
  • Other Inquiries

*All classified ads must be dental related. We do not accept faxes for any classifieds ads. Ads must be typed for legibility. Submission instructions are on the form.

Learn More Click Here

Display Advertising

Includes our quarterly publication, web banners and e-newsletters.

The Communicator (quarterly publication)

The Communicator is our flagship publication for the CSDA. It features articles on a wide range of topics to assist dentists in their profession. Subjects include practice management, timely dental issues, dental community programs and much more. Our winter, spring and summer publication are mailed to nearly 1,800 individuals, which includes CSDA members, state dental societies, vendors and community health groups. Our fall issue is sent to those listed above, plus ALL Connecticut Dentists (including both CSDA members and non-members) reaching around 2,500.

Web Banners

Web Banners appear on, which has become a main source of information for CSDA members and the public. All banner ads appear in the left rail of the website. Banner sizes and locations are available on a first-come, first-served basis.


E-Communicator are published bi-weekly. Our e-newsletter is distributed to approximately 2,000 CSDA members. This publication has an open rate of around 35%, which is above the industry average of 25%. Ad placement will depend on availability. The CSDA will confirm dates available for advertising. Two advertisers are allowed per e-newsletter, unless an exclusive banner is purchased (cost of two banners).

Download - Advertising Form

**The CSDA can only guarantee a spot for display ads if a formal contract is filled out by the advertiser, and returned to the CSDA by the deadline date. Submission of contract does not guarantee advertising space.​

Download - CSDA Advertising Standards & Specs

Download - Article Submission Guidelines

CSDA Mailing List

This form is for the leasing of mailing addresses of members. The CSDA does NOT lease email addresses.

Download - Mailing List Order Form

Affinity Program

In exchange for the CSDA endorsement, providers agree to give discounts to CSDA members.

Download - Affinity Program Info

View Current Affinity Programs

Questions? Contact Jesse Dennehy, Director of Membership and Professional Services at (860) 378-1800 or

CE Sponsorship Opportunities

To learn more about the CE Sponsorship Opportunities.

Learn More About CE ​Sponsorships

Annual Meeting

Questions? Contact Cynthia Holloway, Director of Meetings & Continuing Education at (860) 378-1800 or
Questions? Contact the Karen Wright at the CSDA Central Office at (860) 378-1800 or